Our sissy whore and his Tiny cock!


Sissy humiliation

With our Vacation coming up a bunch of us here at WBMT are wanting our site Faggy Sissy to pay for more. We want her to pay more money for us to have a better time! If our sissy whore doesn’t pay up we are all going to put her on blast! We will change our blogs and make you our blackmail paypiggy! We will put your FULL NAME in all of our blogs. Do want your full name on EVERY blog we write Sissy Michael Fra…. I don’t think you do. Sissy we are not joking, we will change our blog ASAP if you do not pay more towards our vacation.

Female domination

You are such a jingly jangly bell wearing pansy that I know you will pay more! Remember Sissy, I live near you. I have no problems posting these beautiful pictures of you wearing this pretty pink penis pouch! Your cock will look even smaller on a billboard! I will make flyers and put them on all the cars around town! SISSY!! Do you want your wife, your kids, your friends and your clients to find out what you are?! You are a fairy sissy faggy whore who wears pretty pink penis pouches! Your cock is so tiny no wonder why you are a faggy sissy whore! OINK OINK!!

Small dick humiliation

I have NO promblem walking around town handing out the business cards with your full name on them. CALL WBMT FAGGY SISSY MICHAEL FRA…. I’ll keep your last name to myself for now. Pay more money, or you will suffer from the humiliation I am more than willing to dish out!! OINK OINK!! Pay Piggy PAY!! Oink Oink!!


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