I love being a phone sex therapist. I help men with their kinks, fetishes and perversions. I do not want to cure you though. I want to take you down the rabbit hole until you are comfortable with your own desires and needs. I help all kinds of men. Cuckolds, sissies, panty boys, mommy’s boys, crossdressers, you name it. No fetish I am not comfortable with exploring. I have a regular calling me weekly who wants to be a sissy maid. His wife caught him once in her panties and made him get counseling. A traditional therapist with try to explore the root of your fetish to cure you. I do not use aversion therapy in my style of phone sex therapy. I made Mike embrace his feminine side. I think within us all is a matching masculine and feminine side fighting for dominance. Do not fight your urges. Give in to them instead. After a few months of talking to him, he is wearing sissy clothes and cleaning the house. He told his wife to get some big dicked lovers, and let him take care of her afterwards and the house. They have switched gender roles. I did need to help him with his wife, but I knew any smart woman would eventually be okay with having her cake and eating it too. Being a cuckold is an important job, so is being a sissy maid. If a woman has a man who is both, she has a great life. She can fuck who ever she wants, and she never has to do any housework either. Any woman who would not want that is crazy. But I talk to men all the time who need sissy or cuckold phone sex therapy because their wives will not get on that train. With me as your phone therapist, however, I can help you navigate your wife too. Be who you were meant to be without shame.