Phone sex therapist Gwen Knows what Women want

Phone sex therapistPhone sex therapist Gwen Knows that women need help in the bedroom too. Helping women overcome sexual difficulties in the bedroom is very rewarding. Especially if you’re a bi slut like I am. Nowadays I spend my time talking to men about women in their life. I pass my knowledge of women on to them. 

My hope is that my men take my lessons and apply them well. It doesn’t matter what you have going on I will use my intimate knowledge of the female species to help get you laid.  I want you to be able to enjoy sex with women to the fullest. Your sexy vixen of lust is here to help you make it happen. 

Phone sex therapist Gwen Knows women

Curious about how to eat pussy well? Well, muff diving is a special interest of mine! Let me instruct you on proper pussy pleasure! Every bitch that I have gone down on tells me that she would give up dick for me! Funny because I would never give up cock! The point is, I know how to make that pussy squirt with just my tongue! Trust me! 

Find out what women want. I also help men who are curious about the inner workings and needs of a woman.  Not all women are created equally, but I bet I can tell you some tips and tricks that will make her moan your name!

If you’re looking for a bi bitch for two girl fun or just some good old-fashioned sex advice cum see me!

With my Sensual phone sex is geared towards pleasure for all parties involved.  Next, if you’re curious about a fetish and need to know how your woman will like it, I’m here to help! I’m an expert when it comes to pleasing women and I’m more than happy to share my knowledge with you. 

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