Phone Sex Therapy

phone sex therapyHe called for phone sex therapy. His problem is not uncommon. He can’t satisfy his wife because he has a small dick. I hear that daily. Now, for whatever reason, some men like to pretend their cocks are smaller than they are, but this guy I knew was small. He sent me pictures and to prove it was him, he had the credit card he used to pay for the service in the pic next to his dick. His dick was smaller than his credit card. I know right? Pathetic. He called the right woman. I was not going to attempt to save his marriage, at least not the traditional way. He was cuckold material if there ever was cuckold material. He had a turtle dick. If the room was chilly, he was all balls. No way his wife was sexually satisfied. My Barbie doll as a young girl wouldn’t be satisfied with his turtle dick. I told him his only option to stay married was cuckold phone sex. His wife needed a sexual surrogate; one with a worthy cock. That means a cock about 5 times the size of her husband’s little nub. He needed a wakeup call. He knew he was small, but he still wanted to fuck his wife. With what???  You can’t fuck a Barbie doll with a one-inch nub. After an hour on the phone, I think he realized he lacked the equipment to satisfy his wife. He lacked the equipment to satisfy an ant. Hopefully, my brutally honest therapy worked, because I felt so bad for his wife. Not even my worst enemy deserves a dick that small.

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