Phone Sex Therapy is in High Demand

phone sex therapyMore men need phone sex therapy now than ever. Several things contribute to this increase in therapy calls. Men are home more. That means more time to think about things and watch porn. Porn often leads to questions. Marriages are being tested too with both people home more. Wives who were getting some side action, cannot fake happiness as much now and husbands ae putting the puzzle pieces together. Guys have little privacy which makes it harder to explore their kinks like wearing panties. Most men can find time for a therapy call. They sneak off in their cars. They turn the shower on and call me while their wives think they are showering. Some just wait until their wives are in bed to call me. I am a phone sex therapist stuck at home too, so I have all the time in the world to help you with your issues. My cuckolds have needed the most attention lately. I think it is because wives cannot bring lovers over or go out to get some real dick. Most cuckolds I know are really cock sucking faggots. Cuckolding is just a cover for the wife. Men want to get some dick for themselves. I am not saying women do not cheat for their own needs. They do all the time. Women, however, are more comfortable cheating behind their husband’s back than right in front of them. When men call me for cuckold phone sex therapy, I am 90% of the time advising them on how to get their wives to cheat in front of them. Sure, men do enjoy watching their wives get a real man’s cock, but they also have penis envy. And they want some cock for themselves too. I love helping men realize that they are more cock sucking faggots than cuckolds. How can I help you?

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