Sexy phone sex

sexy phone sex

I went to the store today to get a new phone because mine was acting weird. As I had one of the nice men help me, I told him that I wanted all of my photos on my old phone to be on my new one. I have some awesome nudes, I will not lie. It would be such a waist to loose them.

As I don’t mention the fact that they are nudes, he plugs the phone into the computer and there comes up all of my photos. Full screen for him. I only notice them, after looking down at the boner in his pants.

I get red and embarrassed, but he obviously assures me it is okay. He takes my hand and makes me grab his cock in front of everyone. He tells me to follow him as he unplugs my phone.

He takes me to the back where he shows me, how much my pictures did not go to waist.

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