Sexy Women Masturbating

sexy women masturbatingMen love to watch sexy women masturbating. I love to be watched playing with myself too. In my counseling sessions with couples, I always encourage mutual masturbation. One of the best ways for a man to learn how to please a woman is to watch her make herself cum. Guys are a little bit easier to figure out. But mutual masturbation is good foreplay as well as educational for the two lovers. I had a coed pay me a visit during my office hours last week. She was nervous. I could tell something was weighing on her mind. I had her sit in the chair. I gave her a low dose edible to relax her. It would take a bit to kick in, but pot is legal in California, so I pass out edibles like candy because it is a great relaxer. I use edibles for my sexually repressed women, my test anxiety students and my nervous coeds. I was not sure Taylor’s problem, but I got it out of her eventually. She has never had an orgasm. She has been fucking for 4 years now, but no orgasm. I was in shock. I thought coeds were much more enlightened than I was at their age. Her current boyfriend broke up with her because she is frigid. She did not even know what that meant. I keep sex toys in my desk. I know. I am a naughty teacher. Once that edible kicked in, she was putty in my hands. I mean putty. Her problem was she had never masturbated. She did not know how to make herself cum, so I helped her. I showed her how I masturbated. I lent her some toys and she blossomed in front of me. She came like a dozen times. Drenched my chair with her cunt juices. I can get a new chair. It was amazing to watch this girl make herself cum for the first time. She was not frigid. She just did not know how to please herself to tell someone else how to do it for her. This problem had a quick and happy solution.


    • Devin on April 25, 2022 at 1:26 pm
    • Reply

    I love to watch hot women playing with their pussies, nothing better.

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