Small Dick Humiliation

small dick humiliationI had a date last night. I was very excited because he was rich and handsome. I met him on a sugar daddy site. I meet lots of men on these kinds of sites, but Paul was handsome. Many of the men I “date” are old fat bastards, but I am in it for the money, so I turn a blind eye.  Paul is a surgeon. Tall, dark and handsome. He treated me to a very fancy dinner, then a play. I felt high class. I couldn’t wait to fuck him. He was a dreamboat in comparison to my other sugar daddies. I was excited once we got to his bed room. I wanted to show off my cock sucking skills. I unzipped his paints seductively excited for a huge cock to roll out. Nothing rolled out. Nothing even peeked it’s head out either. I yanked his pants down like I was looking for Waldo. I almost cried when I saw he had a micro penis. I swear it looked more like a sad scared turtle than a dick. He was pissed at my disgust and disappointment. I gave him some much needed small dick humiliation. I told him that at least the fat old bastards I have fucked had cocks I could feel. He wanted his money back. I told him I wasn’t an escort, I was a sugar baby. His donation was nonrefundable. He tried to be an ass, so I snapped some pics with my cell of his micro dick and told him if he bothered me  in the future, his pathetic dick would be all over social media. Silly men. I am too hot for a small dick.

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