This Phone Sex Therapist Tells You the Truth

phone sex therapistI love being a phone sex therapist. I get to talk to a variety of losers. I see a variety too during my office hours. A colleague asked for help off the record. I knew that meant he didn’t want me to take notes. He thinks his wife is cheating on him. Usually, if a man thinks his wife is cheating, she is because men aren’t as suspicious or as observant as women. Men and women, however, cheat for different reasons. Women either have asshole men and seek affection and affirmation from a different man or they just want a big dick. Men cheat because monogamy scares them, and they are horny toads. My colleague is a good man. I know he could fuck any hot coed he wants, but he doesn’t. He loves his wife. She is way out of his league. She married him I am sure because he is tenured, handsome and a decent guy. I had to ask him about his dick size. He told me he was a little bigger than average.  I feared he had no clue what average was, so I told him to show me. Maybe he was average for a Ken doll. He was not average for a man. He was not even average for a boy. He had a micro penis. I had to give him some small dick humiliation. Of course, his wife was cheating on him. Hell, he was so small, a 4-inch cock was twice the man he was. I told him let her cheat. Let her get what he clearly can’t give her. I talked to him about the benefits of being a cuckold husband. There are some pitfalls, but ultimately, being a willing cuckold is the only way to save a marriage. When I got home, I hit up his wife on Facebook. I need to make sure she is not fucking a 5-inch cock. That woman is a hot. She deserves 10-inches or more.

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