You are no kinda man!

phone humiliationI hear your voice sounds like a man, I see that the name on your card is a man name…but yet all you have down there, the one and only thing that truly makes you a man is so incredibly small… that honestly I don’t think I can call you a man! I mean, hahaha – look at that tiny thing! That teeny little peepee makes me laugh, so fucking much. You’re not a man at all! You’re nothing but a pathetic wannabe! I do wonder why you are here wasting my time with such a small little thing! Perhaps you were hoping I would give you the benefit of the doubt and let you give a try at fucking me with that thing, nooo… actually I won’t be able to do that. I’ll only be laughing at you the whole time! And of course I could never be satisfied. You know that! I can however perhaps allow you to do what you’re only good for is watching and cleaning up afterwards! Up to you because all I can do is laugh at that teeny lil thing!

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