2 girl phone sex with Sissy

2 girl phone sex

I love our site sissy. She is a chubby sissy whore, who loves to be used as a piggy bank. Sissy has been good to me and I need to be good to her. I am bringing in Lena on our blog tonight. Lena and I love making fun of sissy’s tiny cock. Sissy is a big fat fag who loves it when we laugh at her tiny little dick. Sissy needs to be made fun of, it gets her off. Lena and I both need to hear Sissy’s tiny cock song. Sissy, your belly is so big your tiny cock is hidden by it! I can’t help myself but to giggle and laugh at that tiny little thing! We love looking at your pictures as you try to dress up. You put on a wig, you put on make up and women’s clothes.

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Thank god for make up. For a sissy whore you do a very god job with your make up! I just love your call’s! I love making fun of you and I know Lena does too! Oh sissy you are such a fag whore! Lena and I love it when you send us pictures! I love laughing at you as you are dressed in a satin pink dress. Or when you are dressed up as a bunny or as a adult baby. Do you like shitting on yourself? You are your own toilet aren’t you sissy faggot whore! You love taking it up the ass and being made fun of that you now love to shit your pants. How does it make you feel that your shit’s are bigger than your cock? Oh I just can not help myself! I love telling all my friends about you. I show them your sissy fag picture’s and Lena just loved it when I showed her what a whore you are!!

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