The Best Phone Sex

best phone sexBest phone sex calls require honesty. I am a blunt woman. Guys call me to tell me about their problems. I listen to men whine about not getting laid. If a guy isn’t getting laid by his woman something is up and chances are it is not his dick. Karl called me this morning with the familiar story of how him and his girlfriend never have sex after he takes her out for a fancy dinner. They have been dating for months now. They had sex once, but since then she has excuse after excuse for why they can’t fuck. She is happy to drain his wallet but not his balls. I asked the tough question. I asked him how big his dick was and if it got hard easily. Old Karl has a four-inch cock. He even added a 1/4 to his dick size. Now that is desperate to sound big. Come on Karl. You have a small dick and you are dating out of your league. A hot sexy woman of any age can have just about any man she wants. She sure as hell is not going to settle for a man with 4 1/4 inch dick. Men make the mistake of thinking women owe them something for taking them out. I owe you nothing but a thank you for showing me an enjoyable time. If you are spending lots of money on a woman and not getting any action in return, ask yourself, “is my dick bigger than 7 inches?” If the answer is no, there is the problem. Buy yourself a pocket pussy and consider dating less attractive women. The hot girls will go out with you, but they are fucking other men. You are a free meal, someone else is the good fuck. Consider that some free phone sex therapy boys.

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