I made a dirty ass sex porn at the doctor’s office. I was there for my yearly exam. The doctor checked out my lady parts and he had an obvious erection. If I could see it at attention, I knew it had to be big. Normally, I see a female gynecologist, but she is on maternity leave. I got her partner instead. He was younger than me, but old enough to be practicing medicine. Once he realized he had a hard cock, he tried to hide it with the drape over my pussy. I told him no need to hide something so big and beautiful. He blushed and gave me some spiel about it being unethical. I stood up, showing off my mature sexy body and he just stood looking at me in awe. Since he just had a speculum up my pussy, I was a bit sensitive still. When I told him, I love hot ass sex, he pulled out his cock and I bent over the exam table. There was plenty of lube around. Normally, I am not so blatant that I come on to a man in a delicate situation like this. I mean we were in his place of business with other women waiting to be seen. He fucked my ass as hard as it has been fucked in way too long. It did not last long, sadly. But I get it. We were on his dime at work. I walked out of the gynecologist office happier than I have ever been.
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