Sexy Babe Gwen

I was taught to be ashamed of my body. Not to love it, not to adore it like I do now. Oh how I love rubbing my sexy curves. I have grown out of my awkward sexual encounters with men to who I am today. I am a confident and sexually powered woman. I’m not into all the 50 shades of grey stuff, I’m more into making a connection. I was a spoiled brat, who always got my way and I am still that way now. If I call you for booty call I expect you to know that we are going to go all night long.

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I want you to drool over my body. You should want to lick and touch every inch of skin on my body. I want you to slowly undress me and cover me with sensual kisses. I love it when your bread is grown out just a little and it caresses my body. I love the way you swirl your tongue around my nipples and you leave them with a little nibble and my body wanting more of you. Baby I want to make you sweat, and feel amazing. I want to get on my knees and suck your cock until you explode in my mouth. There are so many things I want to do with you baby, all you have to do is give me a call.. I am waiting for you. Let me be your sexual hero.

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