A fun day at the circus.

I love the circus so much. Exhibitionist sex makes me naught for more. From my childhood to now, it’s my favorite time of the year. I love the clowns and all the jump scares. I especially love the crazy rides and the crazy house. This year my man and I went together. I told him I wanted to do something different at the fair. I wanted to fuck my brains out in front of people. He got so turned on.

When we got there it was packed. People were everywhere and all the rides were crammed. This was the perfect opportunity. We went up to the crazy house, and got in line. When we entered the mirror room I took off all my clothes, my man pushed me up against the wall of mirrors, stuck his finger up my twat and fingered my goey clit ramming his thick bulging cock up my wet tight pussy. We fucked hard and rapidly. Shifting and flexing my pussy lips. My head was hitting the wall as he pulled on my hair. People walked by us and stopped to watch. He bent me over, my little rose bud was showing and he continued to fuck me hard. I was screaming with my legs wrapped around his. I was about to explode cum juice and everyone was going to watch it drip down to the floor while my man imploded far up my cunt. Fucking in front of all these mirrors was extra graphic.

 I’ll fuck anywhere and anyhow you want, I’m a nasty whore. I love showing people how my tight little twat takes at throbbing cock.

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