Ass Fetish

ass fetishDo you have an ass fetish? I love anal sex. I can have an orgasm from anal sex. I am pretty orgasmic if your cock is the right size. What is the right size for me? For my pussy 8 inches and bigger. For my ass I can go as low as 7 inches. If I meet a guy who falls an inch or two below my size demands, I will offer up my ass if he checks all my other boxes. I am pretty rigid about my size requirements for my fuck holes, but guys like Ian sometimes are worth offering up my back door pussy. We had instant chemistry when we met. I met him at the gym. He was checking me out and I was doing the same. I am a sucker for a handsome man with good manners and grooming habits. He is what I would call a metrosexual. He reminded me of a younger Rob Lowe. A pretty boy. We chit chatted before we decided to grab some lunch. He is 35 so 20 years my junior, but he did not mind that I was a mature sexy babe. Back at my place, our chemistry heated up. I prayed he had a ten-inch cock, but he was short about three-inches.  It is always a delicate situation when you try to tell a guy a guy you are into that his cock is not big enough for you. I do not fake orgasms well. I did a dancing pelvic tilt that put his cock in my ass. Fit like a glove. Since I have a bald pussy, I do not think he even knew he was fucking my asshole. I was wet. I was moaning. I was cumming on his cock. I do not think he realized he shot his load in my ass. He was happy. I was happy. Maybe he never needs to know his cock is only for my ass.


    • Curtis on April 15, 2022 at 7:14 pm
    • Reply

    Hot voice, even hotter stories about her ass getting used. Definitely recommend this slut!

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