Ass Sex Porn at a Concert

ass sex pornI made a little ass sex porn last night. I went to a concert. My first in over a year. No makes required. No social distancing. I went solo because I wanted to pick up a guy like a I used too. I miss Rush concerts because it was always me and a bunch of guys. No one was ever in the ladies rooms so I could take a hot dude in and fuck him in the bathroom to Subdivisions. They no longer tour, but plenty of of other rock shows I can attend and pick up men. My music tastes is vast. This concert was a Dave Matthews show. Plenty of college age boys getting stoned, jamming and looking for a sexy milf. I was wearing cut off jean shorts and a DMB baby doll shirt. I was smoking some great grass too. I believe in puff puff pass. I took a toke and passed it to the guy next to me. That got the conversation going. Handsome new college grad. Graduated from Berkeley, so he was smart too. I love hot nerds. We got high and enjoyed the music. We had been standing until the sun went down. He was by himself too. We sat on my blanket and used his blanket to cover us. I was stoned and jonesing for some cock. His cock. He never stopped me when my hands started to wander. I did not stop him either. We were masturbating each other under the blanket. I wanted more. I wiggled my shorts down and sat on his lap. The plan was to fuck, but I was wet and it was dark and we were stoned. His cock slipped in my ass and we went with it. He had an ass fetish that no one would explore with him until now. It was on accident but a cock in me feels great regardless of the hole. It was one of the best concerts ever. Not sure if it was because I got fucked in the ass or I was just so happy to be doing something I did often before Covid. My guess it was both.

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