Best phone sex hottie guides you to release

Best phone sexBest phone sex Hottie takes you to delicious heights of arousal. Skilled hands and toys accompany me on our sexy journey of Mutual Masturbation. No matter how big or small that dick is, we can both guide each other into incredible orgasms here on the phone. 

Best phone sex to stoke your cock with!

Rodney and I experienced this last night as he had me set up a personal masturbating session just for him. He wanted specific toys, such as 2 butt plugs and a super powered Wand. He dove into my bisexual side and wanted to know how two women played with their pussies and asses while seated next to each other. I had a plan for Rodney cock as well, and found out he had a few cock rings and a mini butt plug of his own.

Mutual masturbation stories with me and you!

It is surprising what a little tease can do to an orgasm for me and you. Let me guide that dick and you guide this pussy into some blissful releases. 

He even had a remote cock stroker that I took control of during our session. I enjoyed getting my pussy off to his skilled instructions and having to collect myself to make his dick spurt for me as well. For more Mutual masturbation stories like this, maybe you should cum see me! 

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