Cock tease Rebecca Loves Edgeplay Phone Sex For Pain and Pleasuring Fun

Oh, darling! Edgeplay phone sex is simply divine for men. I love getting cocks on the verge of exploding but not quite ready to spray all over. My cunt drips wet at the teasing and torture.  Guys love it though!Edgeplay phone sex

Now let me tell you about this one time when this man was lucky enough to have a hot, sexy woman like me tease me with some delicious edgeplay. Picture this: dimly lit room, soft music playing in the background, creating an atmosphere charged with anticipation. A horny man with a hard cock I saw about to bust through his pants all night. I was up for the challenge to see how long I could make him wait.  I mean, I know I’m worth it but also like to have some fun and use my knowledge of hard cocks to have some fun.

I approached him slowly, my eyes filled with mischief and desire. With every step I took towards this man, his heart raced faster than ever before. I already had that power over him – knowing exactly how to push that hard cock to the limit..

I blindfolded him as I worked my way from his belly button down to where his pubic hair started.  I took pubic hair with my teeth and pulled it up causing him to wince.  My fingers lightly carressed his balls and ass.

My tongue licked the head of his cock gently. I let spit fall from my mouth onto his shaft and balls.  Lightly rubbing it in with my pauls but being careful not to grab his throbbing cock.

As I increased the intensity, his cock tensed up in anticipation of what was coming next – a mix of fear and excitement coursing through his veins like adrenaline is how he described it. I could see his cock pulsating for me, veins bulging out.  I knew just how far to push him without getting the cum to explode out of his cockAnd then came the climax – when she finally allowed me release from this sensual torment by bringing me over the edge into pure blissful orgasm! The rush was unlike anything else; all those mixed emotions culminating into one powerful wave after another until finally crashing upon shores saturated with satisfaction..

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