Coed phone sex for summer time beach fucking

Coed Phone sex

Coed phone sex for summer time beach fucking with Miss Gwen and friends! The sand is hot and so are my friends as we head down to Mexico to grab some Piña coladas and let our hair down. All Three of us have heard about those wild Mexican cabana boys and the things they will do for a five dollar tip. A perfect opportunity for three young, horny college girls to fuck some brown cock.  The hotel manager was so nice he checked us in himself, almost drooling over our lithe American Hottie bodies. He must enjoy perfectly slender young ladies from the states! So far so good as we ask where the nude beaches are, he almost faints right there. Coed Phone sex

Our coed phone sex trio gets help from the hotel manager on where to buy condoms, and he is just about shitting his pants as he directs us to his favorite nude beach! We each giggle as he helps us to our room with our luggage. What happens next is no surprise to you, I’m Sure! He offers to take us himself in his jeep for a day of frolicking nude in the white sands. Of course, with no thought about our safety as young as we are, we let him. He’s very dark, tall and so charming. Plus, a couple of us have pointed out that he must be packing in his pants. The poor fellow has been hard since we stepped foot in the hotel lobby.🩴Coed Phone sex

Coed phone sex for summer time beach fucking with My friends in Mexico

Well, this Coed phone sex vixen couldn’t let him drop us off without at least a nice blowjob. I had to see his meat and it was nice and fat. It did taste a little different when he came in my mouth. Must have been all that beach air and spicy food! Soon we were running around nude looking for a nice looking cabana boy to fuck us as he fed us more and more fruity drinks. On the sand it was hot on my back and my friends pussies were sandy, but I don’t care! Fucking Mexican cock on the beach in the summer time was worth every grain of sand!

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