Eroctic Roleplaying: A Kinky St. Patrick’s Day!

erotic roleplaying (3)

It’s a kinky day today! A lil girl like me doesn’t take much to drink and get me drunk, I drank a couple glasses of wine and I could feel my judgment slipping. I knew I was going to be a total slut. I always am when I start feeling this way. Letting my neck be kissed on and bit. My body groped all over and soon I know more will happen. I will have to be on my knees soon, giving one of my great blowjobs. Isn’t this the kinkiest little erotic roleplaying? I will be sucking and sucking, a nice cock in my mouth and all down my throat – I know I am whore and this is one of my favorite fucking things! Choking on a cock and down and ready for more, once I’ve drunken a couple glasses of wine I just won’t say no. I become a little subby slut doing anything and everything to please. That’s St. Pattys Day for ya!

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