Erotic Roleplaying in the Bedroom Can Turn Sour if You Try to Dominate Me

erotic roleplayingI love erotic roleplaying in the bedroom and on the phone. I can be just about any woman a man wants me to be, if I am not treated like some submissive whore. I am not submissive. Never have been. I hooked up with a guy on Tinder who wanted to play naughty neighbor.  That is like a play out of my sex handbook. I have seduced all the hung and handsome neighbors I have ever had. This guy understood my rules. Everything was going well until he thought he could force himself on me. He wanted to get rough with me. Not my thing. I am a dominant woman. I could have been a domination porn star instead of a professor. I am sensual woman, but when he got rough, I got rough back, and he did not like it. He was surprised that I was able to take control of the situation so quickly once it veered off course. I know self-defense, plus I am a black belt in karate. That always surprises men because I am a mature, thin and short woman. I am only 5’3 and 125 lbs. My Tinder Beau had this look of confusion on his face when he realized I was on top of him with his hands pinned behind his back. I told him no one forces me to do anything I do not want to do. I handcuffed him. I put a ball gag in his mouth too. I did not want the neighbors to hear him screaming once I started pegging his ass. Silly Tinder boy. You do not call the shots with a mature sexy woman. I lubed his ass up when I did not have to do it. I mean, he did deserve a raw ass fucking for attempting to get rough with me. This was not the Tinder date I asked for. It was not the one he wanted either. But a dominant sexy woman cannot let a guy think it is okay to turn the tables like that. I made an ass sex porn with my Tinder date. My guess is today he is sitting on a bag of frozen vegetables deleting his Tinder app.

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