Femdom phone sex Forbad boys who need correction

Femdom phone sexFemdom Phone Sex for bad boys who need a little discipline in their lives. I know carrying the weight of being a provider and family man has weighed you down alot lately. That’s why you call me up so you can just submit and lose yourself. You love it when I take control, don’t you? Your deep breaths on the other end of the line tell me everything I need to know. Your voice, usually so commanding in the boardroom, now reduced to a whisper, begging for my guidance. I can almost feel the tension melting away as you surrender to me completely. And oh, how you need this release.

Femdom Phone Sex for bad boys who need a little discipline

I instruct you to kneel, to close your eyes and just listen to the sound of my voice. You obey without question, eager for whatever punishment or pleasure I may bestow upon you. With each crack of my metaphorical whip, I feel your devotion grow stronger, your desire more urgent.

“Who are you?” you ask, still kneeling, eyes closed. “Who needs to be punished?” 

“You,” I whisper, my voice low and seductive, just as you like it. “You need a good spanking from a Sexy dominatrix, Slut boy!  I’m just the perfect mean bitch to give it to you. Now, open your mouth wide and let me see your tongue.” Your response is immediate, obedient. The sight of your tongue licking your lips, begging for attention, sends a thrill through me. I order you to lift your shirt, exposing your smooth chest, and then to touch your dick. You do as you’re told, fingers quickly diving under your belt and into your pants. I can almost hear the sigh of relief escape from your mouth as you find the release you’ve been craving.

Tonight you will get lost in my Erotic roleplaying to become my sex slave. You are a bad boy and I will make Sure you cum as I manipulate your brain and your dick!

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