Fucking sale

best phone sex

Black Friday was a bitch this fucking year. I don’t people well anyway, let alone mass oceans of crazed, scrambling nut jobs hell bent on whatever was on their list.

But, I can’t say much, I too succumbed to the lure of cool shit being super cheap. I mostly had my eye on a brand new laptop and phone combo for work. That was the one thing I was bound and determined to get. In, and out. Simple, right? Yeah, no. Not so much. I stepped into a madhouse worse than I had expected. I couldn’t go two steps without getting ran into. Not that anyone noticed.

I knew I should have dressed sluttier. But, I honestly don’t think even a great pair of tits, or even me flat naked, would have caused anyone there to take notice. I finally made it back to electronics, and right as I walked up to the display I needed, this pissy looking bastard was picking up the last one of my combos! I was already frazzled beyond belief, and was not about to let this freak take what I went through all that to get! I put on my best smile, and sauntered up to him. But the angry prick refused. I stomped off and huffed to the parking lot.

Then an idea occurred to me. I waited for nearly an hour to see this guy come out of the store, and followed him to his car. While he walked away to put his cart up, I slipped off my leggings and panties from under my tunic, leaving my boots on. When he got back, I put one leg up on the trunk of his car, and spread my cute little kitty for him. Trade him a good fucking for my computer? No way, but while he was laying in his rig completely drained of his jizz, my drippy cunt and I took it and left.

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