GFE Phone Sex with Mercy

GFE phone sexYour eyes captivated me. The kindness and the lust, the promise of pleasure and beginnings. When they smiled at me, letting me know that you saw me, my heart fluttered. I did not think anything could fill me with such anticipation without physically touching me in some way, but you managed it. When your hand reached out and touched mine, seeking my acceptance, not a fiber of my being would have fought that feeling. My hand took yours, and you pulled me to you. Your mouth unerringly found mine, and your embrace surrounded me with warmth and caring. Your fingers running up and down my back send shudders through me, causing tingling in my most intimate regions. My longing increases, tenfold. When you finally lift me up and carry me back to the bed, my heart races as though it would leap from my chest. The feeling of your hands easing my clothes off, of your mouth finding my most sensitive areas. My body melts into yours as my soul sings to you.

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