Hot sexy woman

Hot sexy woman


Hot sexy woman This is the story of Mila and Kelly two girl pals who live together sleep together and work together their current job titles are risky their strippers at Milo’s gentleman’s club in New York the year is 2008 and drinks are floating along with the dollars the girls were hustlers true to the game of gold digging at night they both would dance for cash during the day they had minimum wage gigs like babysitting or walking dogs around Madison square garden’s park one night Mila spots a familiar face Lucky her main squeeze for now as he comes walking up to the bar he grabs her ass uh no not tonight but maybe later baby I’m working she says as she steps onto the stage the dollars start pouring in as she slowly moves her body she sees lucky in the front row sitting down drooling on the floor over her dancing as she finishes up her set Kelly comes onto the main stage her main squeeze Jerry is sitting in the front row as well and he hollars baby shake it!!! The secret that these girls both have is great but their bond is everything they are trans men acting as women.

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