I am going to run out of batteries

Sexy Babe ClaudiaThe hubby had to work late, so I don’t even have him to keep me amused! Boy will he pay when he gets home. Especially since when I get bored I get antsy. I start going through things that I probably should not. I started to go through his things, trying to think up what I could punish him for. That is when I found something odd in his shaving kit. He has been worried about his performance it seems. I found a bottle of pills. What do I do? I take one. Find out later it is generic for Viagra. Old fucker.

Now I am horny so dam horny. He sure is gonna be paying for this. My sweet cunt is literally drenched each time I move! I try to get a hold of many of my friends. It is Superbowl Sunday! I am not sure I can get anyone on the line. So here I lay, naked in bed, with my toys in hand. I have been cumming all afternoon and would love for a dirty young, old, married, horny guy to give me a call. I have a million things running around in my head. Ready for this?

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