Keeping them hands warm with mutual masturbation stories by the fire

Mutual Masturbation Storeis

I know it’s getting cold out there fellas. And we gotta make sure the digits stay warm. I keep mine nice and toasty with mutual masturbation stories. All about how I make my fingers disappear into their own fuck filled hidey hole.

And I’d love to have you stick yours in there too. Give me a feel around and see how soft and wet this fuck hut is for those fingeys. Would definitely have to start with two, and see how many more can work their way in before you have said hole become a mitten.

And lets not forget to keep the log and pine cones warm too. We all know the head produces the most heat out of the whole human body. So I’d say start by sticking them in the heater with a wicked tongue. The cock holster with temp control.

The wood stove for your dick.

Luckily, it does stay pretty moist in there, so you can be assured that you won’t suffer burns. Just be sure to leave a nice sweet treat for the one who’s keeping your loins warm. Tis the season, right?


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