More Cuckold Phone Sex Therapy in the Internet Age

cuckold phone sexCuckold phone sex therapy is in high demand lately. Internet porn is easily accessible on tablets and phones. You can watch porn from your office computer too. Guys are seeing a lot of dick in the technology age. A lot of dicks that are way bigger than their dicks. Now, men are understanding why wives cheat. They are better understanding that not all cocks are created equally. This leaves many men confused about their relationships. Their wives or girlfriends don’t go crazy for their cocks like the women in those porn videos. That is because most men don’t have a porn star cock. I am not saying every woman needs a porn star cock, but most women over 30 want a cock 7 inches or bigger. This mature sexy babe certainly does. I knew, like most women, that size mattered before porn was a key stroke away. Men with small dicks are calling for advice now more than ever. They want to know if their women are cheating. They want to know how to be better lovers. They all say things like, “I don’t have a dick like those black guys in porn movies.” I tell all the men calling me with small dicks that the best thing they can do for their women, is be their cuckold. Women need big dicks and if you don’t have a big dick, you shouldn’t stop your woman from getting the big dick she needs. You can enjoy yourself vicariously through her. If you wife is satisfied, you should be satisfied too. That is because your woman, should always cum first.

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