Naughty Teacher

naughty teacher gingerWe have had many sessions, Mr. Edwards and I. He is a wonderful teacher that can”t stop fantasizing about his students. The young hard bodies just on the verge of making the transformation into young adult hood drive him insane. Images of those little bodies stripped of clothes and there for the taking makes it impossible for him to teach without the shield of his desk to cover the raging hard on in his pants. By the end of the day his balls ache. he keeps a box of tissue in his top drawer and as he pretends to be preparing for tomorrows lessons alone in class, he masturbates to the lingering scent of their little bodies every day. His desire for them consumed him for a long time because he had no relief. Now he has Dr. G and the wonderful world of therapeutic role play. For months now I have played the school girl and the therapeutic role play was a release that was enough to calm the urges he had. However, lately our sessions don’t seem to be providing the results they once did. They just don’t  calm him like they once did. So on Monday afternoon at 4:30 pm  I will be taking a different approach. I will become the naughty teacher and he will be the student that makes my pussy wet and fuels a fire in my soul that only he can put out.. I am planning all my naughty lessons today and Monday class will be in session. I hope he is a quick study and able to earn an A in Mrs. G’s class or he will feel the sting of my ruler on his bare ass while be serves detention and submits show and tell assignments that will earn him extra credit.  Hopefully this role reversal will show him another side of his phone sex ginger2

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