One Sexy Babe

sexy babeI love getting compliments about my body how yummy it looks and what a sexy babe I am how badly they wanted to lick the heels of my feet. Dreaming of having me walk all over them like they were my own personal mat. They definitely wanted me and knew it. I flaunted it! Ha I relish the thought of man fawning over me knowing he may never get the shot at being with me because I’m an expensive piece of china almost priceless the powers of my pussy, the brutality and force behind my words when I punish one of my many slaves the fact that I get away with it is all so laughable really.

I bet if I took a blade and sliced a chunk of their hair from their head they’d just enjoy it saying thank you mistress, you’re the best mistress I deserve to be humiliated. Being a sexy babe takes a lot of hard work and commitment I don’t just roll out of bed all nice and firm in just the right places with out effort. Have you ever tried paddling someone’s ass for thirty minutes with no break in between well it requires a lot of upper body strength so your arms don’t get tired.

I recommend hitting the gym at least five times a week not only because you get a hot bod getting loads of compliments like “Got damn she’s sexy as fuck”, “That’s the sexy babe I want to see my cum drip out of” or my personal favorite “I want you to just crush me beneath those sexy feet of yours babe.” You get the most clients surprisingly from just perusing the gym it’s shocking how many muscle head beefy “manly” men want to be dominated by a hot young female. They want to be humiliated their asses penetrated, beat, and just made to feel like the lowest piece of shit in the world.

It excites them in the bedroom raising the performance level and at the gym makes them try a thousand times harder. Just know the next time you see a guy hitting the gym super hard and he’s already really buff he has a hot young sexy babe crushing his ball sac beneath her dainty foot. Yummy right?


    • Jack on November 30, 2016 at 9:58 pm
    • Reply

    This is honestly too good to be true…You´re describing my biggest secret fantasy, that i´ve never shared with anyone before!! I thought i was the only one…

    Probably would´ve been a bit long for a comment, so i sent you an email instead. 🙂

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