Outting Our Pretty Sissy

sex therapy porn sissyThere is no denying that our Sissy, Michael , is a transvestite mincing and prancing in public for total humiliation and  sissy shame.  She looks so pretty strutting around town, shopping at the mall, getting her hair and nails done. She knows that everyone is pointing and giggling at her. Snapping pictures to post to their facebook….that is what makes her a pathetic pansy cross dresser who is punished with public humiliation for all to see. Wearing dresses, makeup, jewelry and high heels while she prances around like a Sissy Fairy, she is right at home and in her element. It’s almost like she is begging everyone around her to tease her, to giggle at her, to laugh at her. mature phone sex sissy1And now the ladies of WBMT are outing, humiliating and punishing her just as she deserves. With Sissy blogs that are as sparkly as her jingle jangley bracelets. Showing the world Sissy’s true colors is something that we superior females do with pleasure. We love when Mistress Levi asks us to rally together for Sissy’s public shame and humiliation and with social media it gets easier every time we are asked to do it. We all know how Sissy begs for every bit of it and then is horrified when she gets what she asked for in spades. There is one thing for sure, none of the females here do anything half way, so when it comes to humiliation, you can be sure it will be done right the first time!best phone sex sissy1

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