Sensual phone sex at the Massage Parlor

Sensual phone sex DarlineWhat better way to spoil a man that gives me everything and has everything himself.

Massages of course!

Especially when I make sure the masseuse is your type.

Just you and me and two other girls that could be my sisters.

We take our time getting our muscles kneaded, rubbed, and turned into a pool of relaxation.

But I have something special planned.

I know how much you like to watch me with other girls, and as your masseuse leaves you and comes over to me you know it’s going to be good.

I turned over on the table, smiling up at my twins and grinned at them. They smiled right back and knowing you were watching as their hands went over my breast and pussy. Fingers touching just all the right places making me moan, squirm, and arch at the table.

I look over at you, see your cock in hand as one of the girls spreads my legs. Bending between them to lick and suck on my pussy. Her tongue feels so good! Suddenly I can’t see you anymore. There is a thigh there and I look up into a pink, wet, pretty pussy. I just have to taste it, she taste so good and I find myself matching the girl licking my own pussy. Leaving a table of squirming, moaning, arching girls.

I felt my orgasm build and build, my pussy coating the poor masseuse in my sweet girl cum as she sucked and licked it all up. Her fingers still fucking my pussy, rubbing that g-spot. Making me whimper and forget all about that pussy over my mouth until she grinds herself on me. So close to orgasming herself. Taking from me what I’m in too much pleasure to give to her. I can hear her moan her own pleasure, feel her cum fall onto my tongue as she orgasms.

She moves off of my face and I look at you with a face shiny with cum, You can’t help it, you cum in hard strong shots. Your spunk landing in the middle of the floor as if it was trying to land on us. We weren’t done yet though, you still had hours of watching us play together, and for an even better surprise next time we’re going to use toys.

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