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I absolutely adore our sissy mascot what a sexy baby Sissy fagot fairy princes Michael is! She loves dressing up, and we girls here love playing with her. She told us that she has a date and wants to look as girly cute as possible. She is such a freaking fagot! We agree to help her, since after all she could use some help.

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I tell her that she needs to use her girly whore voice while we are helping her since she is a little cock sucking fagot. I tell her that part of the deal is that I get to take photos of her dressing up, just in case she gets stupid I have blackmail to use against her. I let her borrow one of my dresses, some pretty panties, heels, and jewelry. If she is going to act like a little bitch with a cunt- she needs to dress like one too. She doesn’t seem to mind since she is an aspiring whore like the rest of us. I make her put on my panties and dance around signing. My goodness this little sissy bitch has the lungs and mouth of a true whore.

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I want to video tape this pathetic excuse of a woman sucking a REAL man’s big cock. When Monday roles around and you want to try and fool everyone with how much of man you are; dressing back up in men’s clothing and going to work. I am going to show up and bring you lunch and pictures. I am going to tease you about what you did this weekend. While real men are putting their cocks in whores mouths and pussies, you are taking it like a little sissy whore fagot bitch, that you are. But for now lets get you and your pussy all beautified.

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