Sissy Humiliation with Farah

sissy humiliationSissy humiliation is so much fun. When I was younger, the Internet and smart phones didn’t exist. Phone sex came around in the 80s, however the women, were how should I put this nicely, not as pretty as they are today.  You had no way of seeing what they looked like, unlike today where you can see us first before you call. The original phone sex sluts worked in a warehouse in some cubicle with a headset on, not out of the comfort of their homes like today. A lot has changed since I was young, including sissy humiliation. The Internet has given birth to a new brand of sissies. Pathetic, cross dressing, cock sucking, shameful, pansy sissies who beg to be outed and publicly humiliated. Growing up, a boy got called a sissy for crying. Now you are a sissy when you have a limp tiny dick, enjoy public humiliation and forced feminization. And, when you suck dick wearing something pink and frilly. Now, the folks behind sissy humiliation are not the boys on the playground, they are hot sexy women like me. Bitches in charge who recognize the desperate plight of the modern sissy. Women like me who understand that some men just belong in panties and a frilly dress. Some boys aren’t really boys, just girls trapped inside a loser male body. Some women recognize the shameful nature of  these man girls trapped in the wrong body, trying to act like someone they are not. These individuals need sissy training to become who they were meant to be. Full fledged sissy maids waiting on goddesses like me to dress them, shame them, out them and put them to work for us. Sissy school is now in session thanks to the modern world and hot sexy MILFs like me. Think you can handle it sissy?

sissy humiliation

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