Teeny Tiny Peenie

Small dick humiliationI’ve never laughed as hard as I’ve laughed tonight. Went on a date with a tall dark and handsome gentleman and actually had a good time. The date went so well that I invited him back to my place for coffee. And everyone knows that coffee at the end of a date means “let’s fuck”. I get him upstairs and we’re kissing and making out like crazy and it feels so good. I’m excited because he’s a pretty big guy with huge hands and feet, so I’m expecting a huge cock. But when he pulled his cock out it was a big letdown, because he had the smallest dick I’ve ever seen. It was so short and thin that it was a shocking thing to behold. I really tried not to laugh but I couldn’t suppress it. I laughed so hard that tears fell from my eyes. He just stood there beet red in the face totally humiliated. He covered his tiny cock with a hand and I moved his hand to take a picture because my friends wouldn’t believe his size without proof. The tiny dick man put his clothes back on and walked out of my apartment.

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