The Full Package

gfe phone sex kelly 1

I do not consider myself as bold when I say this because I know it as the truth, I can comfortably say that I am the full package. Let us play out the common situation that you run into with your everyday slut, you give them a call, have a bit of phone sex and she decides to come over, you jump right into fucking, get your nut and then your slut is flying out of there like she has somewhere to be. That is all fun and games but have you ever wanted something more? I know you have and you will realize that I am what you are looking for. I believe you will enjoy the time with me much more, consider me you, rent a girlfriend almost. Then you can have the feel of a girlfriend minus all of the bullshit. You can call me, we will have some girlfriend phone sex where I actually ask you about work and your day, then I will see that you have had a stressful day so I will come right over to take care of you and make you feel better. Then we can start with all of the foreplay, we can make the anticipation build instead of just getting it over with. Then I will fuck you like I am glad you are mine, I will spend my time exploring your body with my mouth and hands, making you feel as special as you are. Then I will fuck you like I mean it and care how good it feels to you, taking my time to ride you slowly. You will get your release and I will cuddle up to you for a bit instead of running away right away. It really is the full package.

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