This Sexy Babe Loves Exhibitionist Sex

sexy babeThis sexy babe is an exhibitionist. It was beautiful outside yesterday. I went to the lake to sun myself and got carried away. I sort of forgot my surroundings. My hands slipped into my bikini bottoms so I could rub my swollen clit. The sun beating down on my tight toned body drives me wild. I was lost in the sensation of masturbation. I wonder if that was the good vibrations the Beach Boys sang about? When you open your eyes in the sun, your vision is distorted.  So I couldn’t really see that a small group of men had gathered around me to watch this sexy older babe play with her pussy. When cum started flying, I realized how many guys were circle jerking around me. It was an adults only part of the lake, but exhibitionist sex is still frowned upon by law enforcement and frumpy wives. I tossed caution to the wind, took my bathing suit off and shoved a few fingers up my very wet pussy. More guys gathered around to start stroking. I got jizz blasted at the lake. I stood up, licked the cum off my face and tits, waved at my admirers, then skinny dipped in the lake. Came back to a small army of cocks, so we had a lakeside gang bang. I have some interesting tan lines to prove it. I do love the great outdoors.

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