Yultide Fucking Festivus Fantasy Phone sex

Fantasy phone sexYuletide Fucking Festivus during Fantasy phone sex. Gwen is back darlings and she knows just what that cock needs this Winter season.  So, get out your pole and tell Mistress Gwen what has been troubling you. Because I have some grievances myself. We haven’t been fucking enough and your wife is too needy. She calls you all the time and just makes you so fucking grumpy. I say she can have you on Christmas but Yule / Festivus you’re all mine. We are going to be fucking like bunnies while she finished up the last of the shopping. I have made a special simmer pot to clear the air and have my man fucking my pussy much more this winter. No, I don’t want to marry you, I just want some of your time to fuck my sweet tight pussy and ass. Your sexy little slut is missing your fat cock deep-throating her. My Gift to you will be many more great blowjobs and fuck sessions. I love being your spoiled side piece. SO cum to me Dec. 21st for us to bring in Yule right, and Dec 23rd so we can have our own type of Xmas baby! Your cock deserves more pussy all year round!

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