Amazon package late and the driver must pay the fee: Mature phone sex

Mature phone sex

One of my favorite things about having a loaded husband, aside from him being away and me having as much time to play as I want, is shopping. I absolutely love to buy new clothes, lingerie, and jewelry to cover my tight young body. Sometimes I take the time to travel to various malls and bodegas. Other times I just order whatever I find online. I ordered some new sexy panties on amazon when I was just browsing but after days of waiting for the package, I got a notification that my delivery would be late. 

This was absolutely unacceptable for me as I do not wait for anyone or anything. Including my own packages. If I pay for two-day shipping I expect it to be here in two days. So when my amazon app notified me that my driver would be there within the hour I decided to wait and give the driver a piece of my pretty little mind. 

However, who would have guessed the delivery driver would be the hottest piece of dark chocolate I have seen in a while? I opened the door full of impatience and quickly turned to a smile. I offered him a drink and invited him in. I happened to be his last package for the day and of course, I wouldn’t allow him to leave without taking a load off. A load off on my tits. After all, someone has to pay for Amazon’s lateness why not be his big black cock. Great customer service. 

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