A Hot Sexy Woman Gets What She Wants

hot sexy womanI am a hot sexy woman. You know what that means? I can have any man I want. Or any boy I want too. I am not the kind of woman who settles for just any man. I want a big cock and a working cock. I have learned from my two ex-husbands. Hubby number one had a small dick. Hubby number two had a big dick but health issues that made him limp. He might as well been a shrimp dick because it could never get hard to please me. I will not marry again. I am done being disappointed in life. I do not need a man to support me or take care of me. I just need a man to help me get off. When you are less needy, your choices are much better. I went out with some girlfriends last night. Three of my best cougar friends too. We went to this club that the younger crowd hangs out at hoping to score some young cubs. We met 4 young college boys looking for cougars. How perfect was that? I am the alpha in my group of women. Not that they are subby bitches, but they will not take the initiative. I do not wait for things to happen to me. I make them happen. I walked up to the cutest of the four boys and bought them all a round of drinks. We did shots and danced, and two hours latter my cougar posse and I were back at my place enjoying the cocks of men half our age. Young, hard cocks full of cum? Yes, please. Every day, please. Been awhile since I had an orgy with my girlfriends and few young studs. Felt great to be back in the saddle again getting the big dick I deserve. My girlfriends have me to thank for our cub orgy. They would have still been at the bar waiting for someone to approach them. Life is too short for that. I see what I want, and I make it mine. This mature sexy babe never denies her cunt young cock.

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