
My name is Beth. I am a sexy young girl with a tight, smooth, super-hot pussy and I would LOVE to play my games of tease and denial with you … if you think you can handle me. Just look at this delicious little pussy. I’ve shaved it bald just for horny boys like you. And these tits? They taste like candy. I should know, I lick them myself every day.
You see, I’ve known since I was just a young girl that I could use this beautiful, tiny body and every one of my tight and juicy fuck-holes to get what I want. I’ve never been told no. I truly LOVE to fuck, and I want it all the time … and you could be next. The truth is, I’m an insatiable, cock-loving whore and if you have a nice thick piece of man-meat, you can stretch me open and fill me up and I will SCREAM for more. There is no limit to the kinky fun we can have during some erotic roleplaying. You’d be surprised by the naughty and nasty things that make my pussy wet.
(Of course, if you have an itty bitty little clitty-cock, you should show it to me. We’ll work on that. We both know you’ll never make a totally hot fuck-toy like me cum for you, but you can fall to my feet and watch a REAL man make me cum. I’m into that, too.) In fact, I’m into just about ANY fucking thing, and my tight and tiny little body can make it real. Right now! Call me if you’re looking for the best phone sex around.


    • YasH on June 18, 2016 at 12:57 am
    • Reply

    do you date?

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