I’m a sexy babe who hangs out with hot sophisticated undercover sluts. We needed a reason to meet up frequently a couple of times a week. We came up with the idea of pretending to go to a book club. Our idiot significant others believed that excuse. We weren’t meeting up for books we were meeting up for hot orgies that involved big dicks way better than our boyfriends and husbands. We liked how it felt to get away with such a slutty thing. We love to invite all the guys we come across who fit the bill for our standards. We enjoy some nose candy and big daddy cock and call it a day. We get home and pretend we were sophisticated girls. In reality, it’s just so much better to be bad. We each are dick deprived when it comes to our partners, so we decided to do something about it together. The best part of our orgies is the familiarity of it all. We invite anyone we like that fits our requirements. The most important one has big dicks, We like to welcome our boyfriends and husbands co-workers and even family members. I like fucking my brother in law and beth loves to fuck her father in law. Lena can’t get enough of her husband’s nephew. We also invite the help, My husband’s driver and assistant have dicks that are so perfect they have to be at our secret cum party.