Dream a Little Dream

phone sex line mercyI dreamed about you last night. I’ve struggled all day to forget about it, but it was the hottest dream I have had in awhile. You called me and told me you were coming over, to prepare myself. I made sure everything was in its place, and then I stripped down to take a bath, knowing it would take you some time to get here. When I was done, I went through my pampering regiment: face cream, body cream, self-massaging it all in, hair treatment, mouth treatment. I didn’t skimp on the luxuries. I wanted to feel like the princess you deserve to love.

When I was finally finished, I checked the time and realized you’d be here any time now. So, I went to the entryway and waited just inside in my favorite position, completely nude. You opened the door and saw me in position, and you asked for my hands. You pulled me gently to my feet before lowering your head for a heart-warming, breath-taking, soul-searing kiss. You asked if I’d had dinner. I said no, and before I knew it, you had me wrapped in a silk robe that you’d apparently had hidden in a bag behind you all the while. Caterers started carrying in food to the dining room table. You handed me into my seat and pushed my chair in and then took yours across from me. The food was good enough, I remember thinking that it was good, but I was lost in you. My thoughts were focused on when I would get to hold you in my arms again, when I would get to please you again, and how long it had been since I had been able to watch that massive shaft in your pants explode in ecstasy. The caterers would not leave quickly enough after dinner, and I know you wanted me by that point as much as I wanted you. The longing and desire filled the air to nearly palpable measures. When they finally were gone, you came to me, picked me up, and you had your way with me right there on the table. The feel of your shaft filling me sent me to the moon.

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