Fantasy Roleplay with Me

Best phone sex

I have a naughty fantasy roleplay I want to try where I’m a pretty girl lost in the woods, and you come and save me! You protect me and can’t keep your eyes off of my body. I’m small, easy to take care of, and very, very pretty! You invite me into your tent to have a warm drink and sit by the fire where you can see the glow of my tits. You let me rest in your arms before I leaned up and kissed you! I felt foe our cock beneath your sword and pulled it out. I practically begged you to let you let me make you feel good for saving me! I took your hard dick into my mouth and sucked hard on you. You liked to be rough with pretty girls. So rough, I’m sure the whole forest heard me gagging on you!


    • Bruce on June 30, 2022 at 5:40 pm
    • Reply

    I would take you in, as long as you are grateful…

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