Married Cum Loads Taste So Much Better!

Cocksucking phone sex So, John owns the grocery store down the street and has been watching me every single time I come to shop. He is a hot younger man with money and a nice car. I have noticed his stares so I make sure to always stop by the store when I know he will be there. The last few times I have seen him I have sparked up conversation to feel out the vibe before I truly move in on him. He is such a fine young stud and I just need to feel his cock in me. 

The last time I was there I found out he has a wife who works the weekends when he has off. I loved that he threw in the fact that he had off the weekends and she would be gone at her job. So, I began to plan my move and realized if I can get him to invite me over to his place on the weekend I had a good chance of getting some cock. He laughed when I told him I was single and said “I don’t know how since you are such a fine looking woman”. I smiled and thanked him and said “Well these guys out here just don’t know how to handle me I guess”.

He looked at me and grinned and said “Guys can be stupid; I am sure there are tons who would feel so honored to have you”. I smiled at him and told him I don’t have many friends so we should hangout sometime. He hopped right on the offer and told me to come by his place for beer after 6pm when he gets off work. He told me his wife had a holiday party so it would be nice to have some company while she was gone. I took the offer and told him I would see him then and winked. 

I got to his place a little after 6 and knocked on the door. I was wearing a cute tight black pencil skirt, my white tank top tucked in with my cleavage out for him. Oh, and I had on my hot black patent leather heels that really show off my hot legs. He opened up the door stunned and looked at me up and down like an animal. He told me I looked great and asked me to come on in. We sat on the couch and bullshitted for a bit while we drank some beer and took some shots of whiskey.

I was getting pretty tipsy and said “Would it be awful if I leaned in hoping you would kiss me back”. He looked at me and said “I thought you would never ask; is it bad if I told you how badly I have wanted you all night”. I laughed and said “No, it would be worse if you didn’t kiss me, take off my clothes and ask me to suck your cock dry”. He immediately got up and kissed me and tore off my clothes and his. He grabbed my hair and tits and rubbed my hairy pussy as I stroked that married cock. He was getting rock hard and I dropped to the ground. Then he said “Tell me what you want you little home wrecking slut bag”.

I smiled like a good cock craving whore and said “Please let me suck that married cock until my mouth is dripping with your cum baby”. He let me blow him as he made me rub my pussy for him. He fucked my mouth until he came and watched it drip down all over his married dick and my tits. He grabbed my chin, looked at me and said “We can absolutely make this an all the time thing”. I smiled and replied “Perfect, maybe next time you can get into this pussy of mine and really show me how you can work that married cock inside a home wrecking slut”!


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