Mature Phone Sex Women Attract the Young and Old Studs

mature phone sexMen crave mature phone sex, just like they crave mature women. There use to be this belief that the older women got, the less sexual they became. That was the excuse men used for decades to fuck younger girls. Sure, guys like to fuck a tight pussy. But you want to know they real reason older men go for younger girls? It is because mature women put their sexual pleasure first. Young girls do not know that yet. They are out for fun. They lack experience so a 4-inch cock is nothing they will complain about, especially if they are getting to go on trips and out to eat. Mature women know size matters. They have their own money and only need sex and romance, and perhaps companionship from men. But with that being said, most men still find mature women sexy. In a way age helps us weed out the losers. The men with nothing to bring me in bed go for the younger girls. The men with big cocks seek out a mature sexy babe like me because they know we can handle their cocks and even teach them a few things.

I have no problem getting the men I want. Men my age and younger guys hit on me often. I go for the young studs most of the time only because our libidos are well matched. Last night, however, I went with a man older than me. That rarely happens because I rarely find a man my age who can keep up with me in the bedroom. They either have limp dicks or small dicks.  I found a man who is 59 with an Italian stallion cock and the stamina of two twenty-year-olds. Yeah, for me. Oscar is what I would call a keeper. We fucked all night long and even again this morning before he had to leave for work. He knows I am a professor and a phone sex therapist, and he finds it hot that I am smart and sexy. He says most women his age do not have a sex drive like mine. I am proof positive that age has not stopped my sexual adventures. I do not think it ever will.

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