My First Nasty Teen Sleepover!

I learned how to lick sweet teen pussy with my closest girlfriend and my cousin! In high school I had only a couple of really close friends even though I was the most popular girl in school. One weekend my bestie from school invited me and my girl cousin over for a sleepover while her parents were out of town. Me and My cousin arrived thinking we were just going to watch chick flicks in our pjs and eat a lot of carbs but something completely different happened. My friend poured us some drinks from her parent’s bar and asked if we wanted to try some drugs with her.

Sexy Women MasturbatingI said yes eagerly but my cousin Sara hesitated, I told her it would be fun and with a little encouragement she took the pill. It only took half an hour before we were dancing around in our panties and blasting music, my friend Shelly had an awesome idea, she brought out her mom’s vibrator and put on a really dirty porn movie she found in her dad’s office. Shelly took off her panties and started fingering herself right in front of us. I won’t lie, I was instantly getting wet just seeing her play with herself, I looked over at my cousin Sara and saw her blushing and taking her panties off too. My heart raced, me and cousin had only kissed a few times but the idea of tasting her excited me like nothing else. Me, Sara and Shelly played with our pussies, high on ecstasy for hours, we even learned how to make each other squirt!

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