Naughty Little Church Slut

Best phone sex Yesterday, I went to Sunday mass at a beautiful church with one of my big cock fuck buddies. All eyes were immediately on us, how could they not be, we look hott as fuck together! The thought of me even stepping foot inside of a church totally makes me laugh given the fact that I am such a dirty, naughty little whore. My fuck buddy and I were sitting front and center, directly in front of the priest as he was giving his holy sermon. I looked so damn sexy, I caught the horny priest trying to catch a glimpse of my pussy up my short skirt several times! I’m so glad that I was dressed so skimpy, I wanted to be able to give the Sunday church goers some sexy eye candy to look at! My fuck buddy’s cock is so yummy, his bulge was throbbing through his nice dress slacks that he had on. While we were seated in the pews, I rested my hands in his lap and fondled him right there while he slipped his hands between my thighs, finger fucking my tight pussy up my skirt. I was squirming in my seat and letting out soft moans, as was he, but the priest never skipped a beat while giving his speech! That takes some true talent, I could tell that he was very hot and bothered as he peered over at us while we were playing! It was completely blasphemous! We are going to have the best phone sex together!

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