Paypig Domination phone sex

Domination phone sex

Domination phone sex  from a sexy deserving Findom. Are you a man who loves to pay for things? Spending money on hot women makes your cock hard doesn’t it? Gwen understands the need to drain your balls! To have me draining your bank account. Money makes me wet! I find it sexy as hell to take what is rightfully mine from a paypig. I have a paypig who I set aside his minutes and tributes to pay for my waxes, Heels and sexy undergarments.

He spends enough time and money on me that I can say that my high maintenance lifestyle is completely kept up by his money. But most recently he has been wanting to send money to one of my black studs. A gift he says for making sure my Goddess pussy is fucked well and full of cum each day! 

The Best phone sex paypig really knows how to make me wet. $pend and $end mother fucker. I promise to spread your wealth to all of my boyfriends and to keep my sexy body in top shape so men throw all that cash at me for having a fine ass!

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